Have you noticed a mass under the skin that wasn’t there before? While it may be nothing, these masses do have the opportunity to be cysts. This can be benign and non-cancerous, but the importance falls in figuring that out before a more significant issue occurs. The best option may be to consider having the cyst removed or excised to ensure the cyst does not create something more to deal with. 

At South Shore Orthopedics, we are equipped to handle soft tissue excisions. By learning the basics of cysts, you can determine whether this is something to consider for your health. Speak with one of our specialists today to determine if this applies to you. 

The Basics of Mass Excision 

What Is A Cyst? 

At the basis, these are soft tissue masses that appear under the skin. They push outward, creating the visible bump that the patient often notices. The cysts are sac-like capsules that are often filled with semi-solid material. There are many different types of cysts that can occur in a variety of places in the body. Some normal cysts can be left alone and will not present a problem for the patient’s health. However, there are also types that require removal when they begin to impact the function of the tissue or are malignant. 

What Causes Them? 

It is often difficult to name one cause for cysts. Their ability to appear almost anywhere in the body does not always mean common reasoning behind probable cause. A general idea that often contributes to cysts is the skin becomes irritated, or even a hair follicle gets irritated under the skin. 

It Requires A Diagnosis

Before your doctor can determine whether to do the procedure, they must diagnose the condition to be sure. To diagnose the cysts, a doctor will first look at the medical history of the patient and conduct a physical exam. From there, the doctor may also need to bring on further testing, such as X-rays, MRIs, bone scans, or a biopsy. Once the doctor has completed all these steps, they can better understand the patient’s condition. 

What Does The Procedure Look Like?

The reason behind diagnosis being so important is that different types of cysts require different types of treatment. Once you have determined your type, the following treatment methods are considered depending on the level of severity of the cyst. 

When the cyst is benign, it may be advised to simply observe the mass over time, only bringing in more substantial treatment if it becomes dangerous to the patient. If the cyst is more developed, a doctor may do a marginal excision that removes parts of the mass to prevent further expansion. Finally, total excision is done to more severe soft tissue masses. This requires removing the entirety of the mass and, oftentimes, surrounding tissue as well. 

What Are The Risks? 

As is the case with most medical procedures, there are always risks. The risks often depend on the mass’s location for excisions of cysts and cysts themselves. However, bleeding, pain, infection, and scarring are consequences that can be seen at any location after these procedures. 

Cysts do not have to hold a place of concern in your mind. Once you go through the process of having a doctor diagnose your condition, you can find the perfect treatment plan. Are you looking for an orthopedic doctor who understands your individual needs and meets them with compassion and care? South Shore Orthopedics is the answer to each of those! Your wants for your doctors are never too much. Check out our website or give us a call at (781) 337-5555 for more information.