Nearly 20% of the U.S. population experiences stiff knee pain, with the incidence and severity of pain increases with age. Those who experience knee pain have difficulty moving the knee joint or loss of range of motion in the knee. These can be detrimental to the strength, flexibility, and stability of the entire leg. The…
What You Can Do About Stiff Knee Pain
Runner’s Knee: What is It and How Can It Be Avoided
A term that is used to describe any condition that causes pain around the kneecap is known as runner’s knee. Hence its name, running is the most common cause of runner’s knee. However, other activities that put repeated stress on the knee such as walking, biking, and cycling may also lead to runner’s knee. This…
Is Partial Knee Replacement Surgery Better Than Total Knee Replacement Surgery?
An estimated 100 million American suffer from some type of chronic pain, and of them, knee pain is the second most common cause. Joint replacement surgery is often recommended for those who are unable to perform everyday tasks, such as sleeping, without difficulty and pain. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, more…