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  1. 5 Tips For Better Sleep In The New Year

    If there is something we could all use in the new year, it is better sleep. It seems everyone encounters problems getting a full night’s rest. There are numerous reasons that you may be encountering problems with sleep. Sometimes, however, this has to do with the overall positioning or how your body feels. You can…

  2. 4 New Activities To Introduce For Your Orthopedic Health In 2023

    Take back your orthopedic health in 2023! Whether you are happy with where your mobility stands or trying to make a change, the new year is a great time to introduce new activities. This could mean a new sport or even a new stretch. There is no need to adjust your whole lifestyle when healthy…

  3. 5 Ways To Prevent Winter Slips and Falls

    As the colder weather starts to sneak in, so can opportunities for slips and falls. The outdoors can become a landmine of potentially disastrous situations, whether it be snow, ice, or even cold rain. When this occurs, you can never be sure what body part would be injured. Maybe you fall onto your wrist or…