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Category Archives: Shoulder Surgery

  1. 3 Basics Of A Frozen Shoulder

    Have you been feeling a little stiff in the shoulder? Adhesive Capsulitis, known commonly as frozen shoulder, is a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the affected shoulder. Occurring more frequently in women than men, it is estimated to affect approximately 2% of the population, with the majority of the affected patients ranging in…

  2. All Rotator Cuff Injuries Are Not The Same

    By Dr. Owen McConville In the United States, rotator cuff injuries are a common cause of shoulder pain. Rotator cuff injuries are known to cause weakness in the shoulder, making everyday activities that involve reaching your arm above your head painful, such as getting dressed and brushing your hair. Even though rotator cuff injuries are…

  3. Is Rotator Cuff Repair Right For Me?

    By Dr Michael Marchetti Have you been diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury? If so, you may be struggling with the decision to undergo surgery to repair your damaged shoulder. In order to determine if surgery is necessary, it is first important to understand that rotator cuff tears can get larger over time when left…