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Main Office: 2 Pond Park Road, Suite 102 Hingham, MA 02043

Satellite Office: 360 Brockton Ave., Suite 101 Abington, MA 02351




  1. What To Know About Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis means “porous bone” and is one of the most common orthopedic conditions. This condition is often overlooked; unfortunately, many patients will not know they have the disease until a fracture occurs. People at most risk for osteoporosis include women, peri-menopausal, and Caucasians.  With the fear of fractures on your mind, osteoporosis can take a…

  2. Keep Your Back Happy

    Our way of life has significantly changed in the past few years – students attend school online, and many work remotely from home. Additionally, fewer social outings have led to increased overall screen time. Poor posture and deconditioning of your back muscles have likely followed suit. Back pain that arises can be increased by other…

  3. 10 Tips For An Upcoming Surgery

    Anticipating an upcoming surgery can make you feel anxious and overwhelmed. If you have been dealing with an orthopedic issue, surgery may be the only way to resolve it. While your team of doctors will provide you with plenty of resources and understanding, reading even more about what to expect can be helpful.  At South…