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Category Archives: Health & Exercise

  1. How Dry January Can Benefit Your Orthopedic Health

    Over the past few years, the health challenge known as “Dry January” has continued to gain popularity. Often used as a way to reset following a busy holiday season, Dry January is when participants abstain from alcohol for the entire month of January. Through this challenge, research has shown that those who participate in Dry…

  2. Staying Active With Indoor Sports During The Winter

    As winter descends and the weather turns chilly, the inclination to hibernate indoors can be intense. However, staying active during the colder months is vital for maintaining physical and mental well-being. Engaging in indoor sports is an excellent way to keep moving, have fun, and beat the winter blues. Indoor sports provide various options to…

  3. 7 Orthopedic Considerations For Pregnant Women

    Pregnancy is a remarkable journey that brings about numerous changes in a woman’s body, both internally and externally. As the body adapts to accommodate the growing fetus, various systems transform to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. Among the many aspects that require attention during this period, orthopedic considerations play a crucial role in maintaining…