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Category Archives: Injury Prevention

  1. 10 Simple Methods For Preventing Common Basketball Injuries

    With March Madness in full swing, basketball takes center stage and captures all the excitement. Basketball is a fun and dynamic sport that demands agility, strength, and coordination from its players. The fast-paced game also runs the risk of common basketball injuries.  Common Basketball Injuries From sprained ankles to muscle strains, basketball players often face…

  2. 5 Hiking Injuries To Watch Out For

    When the weather starts to soften, there is nothing like spending time outdoors. Many websites and resources can help you find the perfect hike. These days, they provide all of the information you need, even reviews from past hikers! You do not have to go into it without knowing what to expect; however, hiking injuries…

  3. When and Why You Should See an Orthopedic Doctor

    When you have a condition or injury that affects your bones, ligaments, tendons, or muscles, then your primary care doctor may not have the expertise to provide comprehensive treatment. This is where orthopedists, or orthopedic doctors, come in. They specialized in this type of medicine, so there are certain situations where their expertise is needed….