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  1. What is a Physiatrist?

    Understanding This Specialized Medical Professional If you’ve been dealing with a musculoskeletal condition, injury, or pain, you may have been referred to a physiatrist. But what exactly is a physiatrist, and how can they help you on your journey to recovery?   A physiatrist, also known as a physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) physician, is…

  2. Nutrition for Bone & Joint Health

    As we age, maintaining strong and healthy bones and joints becomes increasingly important. While genetics and other factors play a role, diet and nutrition also significantly impact the health of our musculoskeletal system. Incorporating certain nutrients into your diet can help support bone density, joint flexibility, and overall mobility.   Calcium: A Cornerstone for Strong…

  3. Pulled Muscle, Or Something More?

    If you are suffering from muscle pain, you may automatically assume that a muscle strain, also known as a pulled muscle, has occurred. Although pulled muscles are common, at times, the pain you are experiencing may be an indication of a deeper medical issue. Oftentimes, an injury may even be overlooked until it gets worse. …