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  1. 7 Ways to Achieve Sore Joint Relief

    Whether you suffer from a chronic condition like arthritis or pushed yourself a little too hard at the gym this week, sore joints can be painful. Even when the pain is mild, it is irritating enough to put a damper on everyday activities. Here are 7 ways that you can achieve sore joint relief: 1….

  2. Runner’s Knee: What is It and How Can It Be Avoided

    A term that is used to describe any condition that causes pain around the kneecap is known as runner’s knee. Hence its name, running is the most common cause of runner’s knee. However, other activities that put repeated stress on the knee such as walking, biking, and cycling may also lead to runner’s knee. This…

  3. What is Electromyography (EMG)?

    Electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic procedure to test the health of the nerve cells that control the muscles in your body. These cells are called motor neurons. They transmit electrical signals that cause muscles to contract and relax. If the motor neurons are not functioning properly, then symptoms like pain, tingling, and numbness might affect…