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  1. Tips for High School Athletes

    High school sports allow teenagers to learn about teamwork and competition while improving their physical and mental health. However, they can also increase a high schooler’s risk for injuries. By following these tips, high school athletes who play football, soccer, tennis, volleyball, golf, hockey, or any other sport can reduce injury risk and keep themselves…

  2. All About Hip Fractures

    A break in the upper quarter of the thigh (femur) bone, is known as a hip fracture. As we age, our risk for hip fractures increase due to risk factors such as osteoporosis.  Most hip fractures are serious injuries that require surgery. The type of fracture will determine the type of surgery that may be…

  3. Tips for Avoiding Holiday Related Injuries

    The Holidays are time for cheer, except for when an orthopedic trauma occurs. If you have laughed your way through holiday movies with their share of holiday mishaps– such as Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation — you know that holiday accidents are real and can happen to anyone. That is why it is important to guard…